Rumsey (ed.), Readings in Population Research Methodology. “Measure- ment of population size composition and distribution” in George W. Handbook of Population and Housing Census Methods. 1971a.Methodolo- gy of Demographic Sample Surveys. Yogya- karta: Pusat Penelitian Kependudukan Universitas Gadjah Mada. Pelaksanaan Registrasi Penduduk di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Proyeksi Penduduk Indonesia Menurut Provinsi dan Kelompok Umur Tahun 2015. Proyeksi Penduduk Indonesia Menurut Provinsi dan Jenis Kelamin Tahun 2015. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press. DATA DAN INDIKATOR GENDER di INDONESIA v DAFTAR TABEL Tabel 1.1. Pedoman Analisa Data Sensus Indonesia1971-1980. For the 2000 population census of Indonesia or SP 2000, the data of household and population by temporary residence status, have been put through by the national Central Bureau of Statistic, whereas the data of those by permanent residence status have been carried out by the Regional Central Bureau of Statistic, which are all predicted would be finished before the end of the year of 2000.īadan Pusat Statistik. The collected data contain information of households and individuals by the census taking system both de jure and de facto for the entire population of Indonesia, including those living abroads such as diplomatic corps with their family members. Since its independent status, Indonesia has carried out the census for five times: in 1961, 1971, 1980, 1990, and in 2000 with the goals of providing a considerable amount of details of population data such as: buildings and households, villages potential (potensi desa or podes ), and main pattern frames for survey and others census applications.
#Data penduduk indonesia 2015 registration
The largest sex ratio is in Papua with 114 males for every 100 females, and the smallest sex ratio is in Yogyakarta, with 98 males for every 100 females.Although the population registration in Indonesia has long been put through, the result is still unreliable, thus population census should be considered as a major source in providing data of population and households. It found the sex ratio for Indonesia is 102.34, which means that for every 100 females, there are 102-103 males. Sex ratio Īs the result of 2020 census, there are 136,661,899 males and 133,542,018 females in Indonesia. This is an increase of 32,562,591 people (13.70% in 10 years or an average of 1.25% per year). It found the total population of Indonesia to be 270,203,917 people, compared to the population in the year 2010 of 237,641,326 people. On 21 January 2021, Statistics Indonesia released the result of the 2020 census. In 2020, the population of Indonesia is projected to be 269,603,400 and the dependency ratio will be reach on 45.40, the lowest dependency ratio in Indonesian history. The projection was calculated using component method and also take into consideration births, deaths, and net migration. The Statistics Indonesia in 2018 has released the official projection of Indonesia's population 2015–2045, which are based on previous census in 2010 and the 2015 Indonesian population survey between censuses (SUPAS). The difference is, this application is intended directly to residents, so they can fill their own data without going through a field enumerator. In addition to smartphone applications, it is also developing web applications. The hope is that the equipment will help field enumerators who collect data, also make it easier for citizens who want to enter their own data. Head of BPS, Kecuk Suhariyanto said that the digital equipment in question included smartphone and web applications. It is planned that the 7th census will be carried out using digital equipment, no longer relying on paper. The 2020 census was the 7th census in Indonesia. As required by the Indonesian Constitution and recommendation of United Nations, Indonesian census has been conducted since 1961, and from 1980, the census has been held every 10 years, when the year ends in "0".